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Continuous development and innovation have made SMW-Autoblok a synonym of product quality and assistance and this commitment continues as they enter the world of Industry 4.0. SMW-Autoblok is committed to innovation focused on:

SMW‑AUTOBLOK is solidly focused on quality and innovative solutions with a wide range of products designed for high accuracy and highest repeatibility.

Developed for custom solutions and a set-up time equal to 0. A dedicated Applications Office work with customers to analyze their problems and develop solutions that meet their specific requirements.

The products are fully sealed and have the important advantage to need low maintenance.

SMW-Autoblok approach Industry 4.0, with clampings increasingly being used in automated workflows, requiring greater precision and workpieces with ever-smaller tolerances.

E-motion refers to elecro-mechanical actuation flange of standard power chucks on millturn centers, with wireless power and sensoric transfer via an inductive coupler and both electronical and mechanical safety systems.

SMW Autoblok

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